Hi, I’m a 43 yr old female who has just bought her first bike ever! I’ve done the pre-learner’s course which is required in NSW (Australia) which was my only experience controlling a bike (I’ve been a pillion passsenger). But now that the reality of becoming a bike rider has sunk in, I’m feeling a bit nervous! And that’s made worse by everyone I know giving me negative comments and horror stories. Your site gave me some great information and helped calm the nerves. I’m looking forward to getting out there and enjoying my bike. My plan is to ride for half an hour or so every day, outside peak hour traffic (I live in Sydney) so I can get really comfortable with controlling the bike and myself before I start adding heavy traffic to the mix. Maybe I’m being too cautious, but I want to make sure I’ve got the basics right – as much for me as for the people sharing the road with me. Thanks again